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vATIS is a software used to generate ATIS information for specific airports (max 4). Controllers can choose which aerodrome configuration they are using (active runways etc.) and along with real-world weather, they can generate an ATIS.


Software Description Download Link Installation


Main Radar Software


Standard .msi installation


Profile Description Download Link Installation
vATIS Profile Airports Settings for vATIS - LGGG vATIS Profile - LGGG.json Open vATIS, click "Insert" and choose the downloaded file
vATIS Profile Airports Settings for vATIS - LCCC Download Open vATIS, click "Insert" and choose the downloaded file

You can find the official vATIS Documentation here:


After you have downloaded AFV it is now time to set it up. 
  1. First you will need to download the vATIS Profiles for LGGG (and LCCC) found in the Software section.
  2. Then open up vATIS and you should see this:


  3. Press “Import” and select the LGGG (and LCCC) profile. Then you should see this:vatis-main.png
  4. Double click on one of the profiles that you have imported, eg LGGG.
  5. A window will pop-up asking you to configure your vATIS. Configure vATIS like this below:vatis-settings.png
  6. Press "Save Settings", then “Cancel” and you will be brought to the main vATIS Display. The first airport in the list is LGAV (HvACC's training airport)vatis-display.png
  7. You can select the appropriate runway configuration by clicking the menu bar and selecting the correct rwy config, eg DEP 03R ARR 03L:


You are good to go!